Recently I found the LLNL's visualization software called VisIt. It has many capabilities and the graphics looked promising from their screenshots. So I wanted to give it a try. However, I had a problem and found the solution with a trial and error way. Since VisIt is developed to be working on distributed systems and parallel systems, it is always using sockets to connect to its server part even you are using them on the same computer.
So when you call the main program with gui,
It will generate the following commands
Running: "C:\Program Files\LLNL\VisIt 1.9.0\gui"
Running: "C:\Program Files\LLNL\VisIt 1.9.0\viewer" -geometry 1272x1020+408+0 -borders 22,4,4,4 -shift 4,22 -p
reshift 4,22 -defer -host your.hostname -port 5600
Running: "C:\Program Files\LLNL\VisIt 1.9.0\mdserver" -host your.hostname -port 5602
So if you are running it the first time, Windows will ask you to open the ports given above to be unblocked. I unblocked them.
Then suddenly at 32%, mdserver crashed.
After several forum messages and trials, I was still getting the same error.
Later, I installed VisIt to my home computer also and it worked without a problem. Therefore, I started looking for the differences between my two computers. The first and the most obvious difference was with the network connections. At my home computer I had VMWare installed. When you install VMWare, it creates several different network connections, which were enabled by default. Even though they are not real connections, VisIt still handled them according to their IP adresses.
Finally, I disabled all my network connections created by VMWare. Give one more try to VisIt and it started working.
I think the fix will be considered with the next release of VisIt.
I owe you a beer. Excellent troubleshooting.
Hi, i bumped to your blog googling for answers, i am installing visit 1.11.1 on a fedora core 9 virtual machine.
but i receive the following message when trying to run the program:
Version 1.11.1 of 'gui' does not exist for
the architecture 'linux-intel'
Maybe you can help me with this, if not can you please tell me what linux did you use to install VisIt?
Jose Mendez
I have never encountered the problem you had. I always download the " 2.6.9-78.0.1.ELsmp" executable from Visit web site. I think this might require the installation of an intel fortran library or compiler (but I already have that compiler). I am using visit on Ubuntu 8.04. Your best bet is to send an email to the user group. I know a lot of people get help quick :). The email list is
Thank you.
I get the " 2.6.9-78.0.1.ELsmp" on ubuntu 8.04. I have the last version of ifort working.
However, I dont know how to run the script file. I downloaded it form the visit's web page and paste it into a file on the same directory I have the .tar.gz file. Then i do the following:
visit-install 1.11.2 linux-ellipse /usr/local/visit
bash: visit-install: command not found
what do i doing wrong? (I am not good in linux, i follow the notes in
I saw visit working in windows and it is spectacular.
thank you very much and I apologize about my English
I downloaded the file (below) you mentioned.
After downloading, just extract this to some place and thats it. You do not have to do a specific install. Just get in to the extracted directory visit/bin and run ./visit. This should launch the program for you. You do not have to compile, since this is already a compiled version of the visit.
I hope this helps. So to summarize
1-download above file
2-Untar it
(tar xvfz visit1_11_2.linux-ellipse.tar.gz)
This should be extracted in a directory called "visit"
3-Get in visit/bin/
4-Run visit (./visit)
Hi Bilge; Following you indications I have Visit running now.
I really appreciate your help
thank you very much!!!
Good post and this mail helped me alot in my college assignement. Thank you as your information.
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